Tir na nOg Preschool

Tir na nog Highscope Pre-school and Montessori

September - Settling in. Theme: Me and My Family.

October – Theme: Collecting items for the Nature Table. Watching and feeding the birds at the Bird Table. Halloween Art and Crafts and Fancy Dress Party.

Children participate in Pre-school Road Safety Programme from the Road Safety Authority - "Simon and Friends".

November - Watching for further seasonal changes. Theme - Animals who Live on The Farm, in the Wild and in Other Countries.

December - Christmas preparation - Decorating the Tree. Lots of Arts and Crafts, Nativity play - Children re-enact the Story of Christmas every day. They dress up and choose their own roles. Roles change on a daily basis. This gives all children an opportunity to participate on an equal basis and understand all the roles.

January - Settling in again. Watching for Ice and Snow. Feeding the Hungry Birds. Theme: People who Work in Our Community.

February – Valentine‘s Day Art and Crafts. Watching for Spring. Theme: "Under the Water".

March - St Patrick‘s Day Art and Crafts. Parents are encouraged to bring their child for a walk on Tara Hill. Irish Culture Week.

April - Easter Arts and Crafts. Planting and sowing. Making Mother’s Day Cards.

May - Collecting wild flowers for the Nature Table. Looking after the Plants. Theme: Transportation – Land, Air and Sea and Faraway Places.

June - Lots of outdoor sporting activities, The Lollipop Tree, Teddy Bears Picnic, making Father‘s Day Cards and Sports Day. Theme: "Care of our Planet". Parents are invited to attend for presentation of Medals and a musical performanace provided by the children.

(This is an example of how the year spans out and the curriculum evolves with the children and their interests).